“Hackers for Charity” Needs You

This is a quick post to draw attention to the request for donations from Hackers for Charity.

They need to raise about 785 USD / month to fund the good work they’re doing in Uganda.

Netsparker recently tweeted that they’re donating 785 USD.  Rapid7 are giving 5000 USD.  There are many more on the Donate Plus Wall.

If you prefer to give regular donations instead of a big lump sum, you can do so on the bottom right of this page.

Pentestmonkey has donated 240 USD (12 x 20 USD).  If 39 more hackers do the same, that will cover their current costs for a year.

Can you spare 20 USD / month for a good cause?

PS I hope you’ll excuse the non-security post.  I try to keep these to a minimum.  I think you’ll agree that it’s in a good cause, though.